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Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen
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Books by Leonard Cohen


The Favorite Game (2003)

Cohen's prose is generous yet contained, and so exquisitely evocative and sensual that reading The Favourite Game in a short period of time, as I did, in just over five hours, begins to feel much like the hours-long embrace of passionate young lovers, punctuated by fevered outbursts of raw sexual...

The Favorite Game (2003) by Leonard Cohen

Book of Mercy (1986)

I do not know the world is liedI have liedI do not know if the world has conspired against loveI have conspired against loveThe atmosphere of torture is no comfortI have torturedEven without the mushroom cloudstill I would have hatedListenI would have done the same thingseven if there were no dea...

Book of Mercy (1986) by Leonard Cohen

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