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Laura Whitcomb

Laura Whitcomb
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.24

Books by Laura Whitcomb


The Fetch (2009)

"Fetches" or rescuing angels who visits the dying, are the workers of Heaven, leading souls through the Hall of Transformation. A certain Fetch, named Calder, fell in love with a nurse maid when visiting a young boy's sick bed. Determined to make her his Fetch apprentice and give her the special ...

The Fetch (2009) by Laura Whitcomb

Seelenhüter (2011)

I listened to this book on audio C.D.'s, yes it was awhile ago.It was on a long bus ride and the story just was not cohesive enough to follow for me. I liked the characters, but it was rather lackluster and I didn't want to wait for the ending. I read this a few years ago, and barely remember a...

Seelenhüter (2011) by Laura Whitcomb

El conductor de almas (2009)

The beginning was really good and caught my attention but after a while the story grew boring. It wasn't as interesting and while the plot was unfolding, the characters dulled and didn't have as much in them. After Calder went into the body of the man, Rasputin, the story became a bit flat and th...

El conductor de almas (2009) by Laura Whitcomb

A Certain Slant of Light (2005)

There's so much to say about this book that I fear that my words will not be good enough. A Certain Slant of Light is unconventional in so many ways.First of all it is labeled as a YA but it is not a YA book. The main character is 27 year old Helen who died 130 years ago and she's been haunting p...

A Certain Slant of Light (2005) by Laura Whitcomb

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