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Laura Restrepo

Laura Restrepo
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Books by Laura Restrepo


The Dark Bride (2003)

Esta es otra de las recomendaciones de mis compañeros en el curso sobre Latinoamérica de Coursera. La autora es bien conocida pero yo me estreno con esta novela.La obra se plantea como una fusión de géneros: el reportaje periodístico y la historia literaria. Según declara la propia Laura Restrepo...

The Dark Bride (2003) by Laura Restrepo

Delirio (2004)

Originally posted at:A Girl that Likes BooksEvery story is like a big cake, everyone gives account of the piece he or she is eating and the only one that can account for the whole thing is the baker.Why I read this bookMy reading of Hispanic authors has gone down in the last years, let alone Colo...

Delirio (2004) by Laura Restrepo

Isle of Passion (2005)

Laura Restrepo's LA ISLA DE LA PASION is very hard to put down, as it is an excellent novel. In the early 1900's, a Mexican soldier by the name of Ramon Arnaud is stationed at a tiny island in the Pacific, south of Acapulco. He moves there with his wife and a few other people. For all practical p...

Isle of Passion (2005) by Laura Restrepo

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