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Laura Moriarty

Laura Moriarty
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.52

Books by Laura Moriarty


While I'm Falling (2009)

First let me start by saying, the writing is flawless, nothing to say about it at all, if it seems I'm stalling your correct in your assumptions. I'm just going to say it then, I have never read a more depressing novel ever. I hated the lawyer husband from the start, but yet thought at one poin...

While I'm Falling (2009) by Laura Moriarty

The Center of Everything (2004)

The Center of Everything, by Laura Moriarty, is one of those rare books that readers devour, then are sorry when the last word appears. Moriarty, transplanted to Kansas as an adult after a lifetime of living in various places in the United States, illuminates the Kansas character and the Kansas l...

The Center of Everything (2004) by Laura Moriarty

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