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Laura Kasischke

Laura Kasischke
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Books by Laura Kasischke


The Life Before Her Eyes (2002)

This book reads like a very long poem. It's not so much a story with a conflict and a plot. In fact, the conflict happens in the very beginning, and the rest of the book is trying to puzzle the pieces together.That said, I spent most of the book a bit confused. I spent most of it trying to figure...

The Life Before Her Eyes (2002) by Laura Kasischke

White Bird in a Blizzard (1999)

White Bird in a Blizzard by Laura KasischkeIt's still surprising for me to find out after reading a book I stumble head over heels for, that the majority of people have serious complaints and problems with the book concerning the very aspects I loved most while reading it. But, I should not reall...

White Bird in a Blizzard (1999) by Laura Kasischke

Suspicious River (1997)

I went to the library after work, on some saturday not long ago that already feels long ago, because I didn't want to go home. (I paid the price for what I wanted to avoid, as those things usually go. A day, not put off after all, wanted to end that has already ended. I never learn my lesson.) I ...

Suspicious River (1997) by Laura Kasischke

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