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Larry Sloman

Larry Sloman
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Books by Larry Sloman


The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero (2006)

First published on Booking in Heels.This is the only biography of Harry Houdini that I have read, so I have no idea how it measures up in comparison to any others. However, I can tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I whipped through this thick, fairly heavy non-fiction in three days...

The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero (2006) by Larry Sloman

On the Road with Bob Dylan (2002)

A speed freak's EXHAUSTIVELY detailed account of life on the road with Dylan's mid-70s Rolling Thunder Revue. This is the phase of Desire and Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, etc. By this point in his career Dylan had learned to insulate himself from hangers-on like the author, so much of the book is bo...

On the Road with Bob Dylan (2002) by Larry Sloman

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