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Larry Collins

Larry Collins
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Books by Larry Collins


Freedom at Midnight (2001)

Brilliantly reported and written, this 1975 nonfiction book tells the story of the year India became an independent nation and the new nation of Pakistan was created. It covers all of 1947 and about a month of 1948, ending with the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.Gandhi is, of course, a central c...

Freedom at Midnight (2001) by Larry Collins

Is Paris Burning? (2000)

Is Paris Burning? should probably get only 2 Stars because this was not a serious fight in the big scheme of maneuver. The Jewish Uprising in Warsaw in 1943 and the Polish fight in Warsaw a year later were more serious fights with consequences and lasted far longer. The Paris uprising sputtered f...

Is Paris Burning? (2000) by Larry Collins

Is New York Burning? (2005)

I was waiting at a friend's apartment before we could go out together. As usually happens in such appointments the person got delayed and I spotted this book lying on a table. By the time we were all set to go, I had finished a good three chapters of the book. The most famous boogeyman of the wes...

Is New York Burning? (2005) by Larry Collins

The Fifth Horseman (1987)

Por fin logré terminar este libro, nada hubiese deseado más que poder leerlo de una manera más constante. En algún momento a mitad del libro pensé en que ni loco podría darle las 5 estrellas debido al gran aburrimiento que me estaba causando, pero luego de leer varias páginas más me di cuenta de ...

The Fifth Horseman (1987) by Larry Collins

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