I enjoyed reading the book Spork. The author Kyo Maclear talks about a fork and a spoon who created a spork. In the story spork feels lost and doesn't know where he belongs. He tries really hard to fit in with spoons and forks. Through out the story Sporks goal is to find a purpose in life. Many ...
This fictional story follows its main character, Spork, as he tries discover and define who he is. Spork's mom is a spoon, and his dad is a fork, and Spork sticks out among the other kitchen utensils. Although he tries to look more spoonish and then more forkish, he is criticized by the other ute...
I adore this book. It's about two sisters named Virginia and Vanessa. Virginia feels wolfish and is unhappy. Vanessa wants her happy sister back and paints Virginia a mural of her perfect paradise. This makes Virginia happy and she transforms from wolf back to girl. I like how both sisters compro...
This is, quite simply a beautiful picture book! Isabelle Arsenault's illustrations are dreamy and beautiful and Kyo Maclear's text is very sweet. The story follows Vanessa and her grumpy sister, Virginia. Virginia is portrayed as a wolf throughout the majority of the story, as she has a serious c...
Mr. Flux by Kyo Maclear + Matte Stephens – If you’ve ever wanted to have a book that introduced and specifically talked about change and the impacts change can have on others, this is a brilliant picture book to grab. I really enjoyed the concept, the illustrations, the community portrayed, and m...
This book is not a book about the actual Julia Child (as stated on the first page). It is about Julia and her friend Simca. They both love to cook and they spend much time cooking, gathering new ideas and recipes. They take cooking classes together with grown-ups. They notice how the grown-up...