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Kristina Wright

Kristina Wright
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.18

Books by Kristina Wright


Best Erotic Romance (2011)

I tend to prefer erotic anthologies in the same way I like a box of chocolates—there's a delightful sample of everything throughout, each one sweet and delicious (and sometimes a little nutty, but that's part of the fun). In much the same way, this anthology had a perfect blend of great authors, ...

Best Erotic Romance (2011) by Kristina Wright

Fairy Tale Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women (2010)

I have read several of the other books that Kristina Wright has done. So I was interested in reading about the fairy tales. There are a lot of short stories in this book with some very risque scenes. I did not find myself getting fully interested in the book after reading the first few short stor...

Fairy Tale Lust: Erotic Fantasies for Women (2010) by Kristina Wright

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