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Kristen Heitzmann

Kristen Heitzmann
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Books by Kristen Heitzmann


The Rose Legacy (2000)

The Rose Legacy is book one of the Diamond of the Rockies series by Kristen Heitzmann. It is set in Crystal, Colorado, a small mining town. It is small and rough. Carina DiGratia has left her home in California to move to Crystal where she has purchased a house and hopes to find a job. Her wa...

The Rose Legacy (2000) by Kristen Heitzmann

Halos (2004)

I have to admit that I only started this book because my husband had read it first and knew I would like it. So to please him, I read it. And I read the whole thing in about 4 hours straight without moving. I've never cared enough to write a review for a book but this one touched me. I cried almo...

Halos (2004) by Kristen Heitzmann

Sweet Boundless (2001)

Sweet Boundless is book two of the Diamond of the Rockies series by Kristen Heitzmann. It is a delightful sequel to The Rose Legacy. Like the first book, it keeps you on your toes. The fight for Crystal has been fought. The men in charge of trying to take over have been hanged. Beck and the...

Sweet Boundless (2001) by Kristen Heitzmann

The Still of Night (2003)

A review from my old blog...I fell in love with the characters in Heitzmann's two historical fiction series but I had a hard time connecting with the two main characters in this book. Most likely this was just something in my head because at the beginning I had the distinct feeling that I'd alrea...

The Still of Night (2003) by Kristen Heitzmann

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