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Koji Suzuki

Koji Suzuki
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.78

Books by Koji Suzuki


Ring (2004)

First off, I want to say that English is not my mother-tongue. I try my best to avoid mistakes, but I’m sure that here and there I will make some smaller or bigger errors.Trigger warning: Rape.Now to the review.I’ve read The Ring for a Seminar on Japanese contemporary literature and literary disc...

Ring (2004) by Koji Suzuki

Spiral (2005)

Book 2, and the plot is quite better than the first book. There's a quite amount of scientific language that hurt my brains, that made me skipped some part of it (I lost nothing anyway, since I don't understand it, and the story resume well even after I skipped those part). And the decode thing, ...

Spiral (2005) by Koji Suzuki

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