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Knut Hamsun

Knut Hamsun
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Books by Knut Hamsun


Growth of the Soil (1972)

'Then comes the evening.' Those who have seen the film Hamsun, starring Max Von Sydow, will recall seeing several scenes with Marie Hamsun finishing a novel with this line at book readings. Growth of the Soil, Nobel laureate Knut Hamsun’s 1917 novel widely regarded as his masterpiece, is that n...

Growth of the Soil (1972) by Knut Hamsun

Hunger (2003)

Started reading the original Norwegian edition today. I'm fluent in Swedish but don't really know Norwegian, though I have read maybe half a dozen Norwegian books. Comparing with English, it's rather like reading something in broad Scots dialect that's been written down phonetically. Iain Banks f...

Hunger (2003) by Knut Hamsun

Victoria (2001)

There are some books that have a lasting impact on one’s life, books that leave an indelible mark on one’s deepest emotions. For me there are a number, but Victoria by Knut Hamsun occupies a special place as the most captivating and heart-breaking love story ever written. I read it in my mid-te...

Victoria (2001) by Knut Hamsun

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