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Kirstin Downey

Kirstin Downey
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Books by Kirstin Downey


The Woman Behind the New Deal the Woman Behind the New Deal (2009)

I had read how the state of ME took down her mural - one of the comments was it is reminiscent of “communist North Korea where they use these murals to brainwash the masses”. I had to find out more about this woman that inspired crazy comments like that to be listened to. I have to say I am so ...

The Woman Behind the New Deal the Woman Behind the New Deal (2009) by Kirstin Downey

Woman Behind the New Deal (2009)

FDR is a particularly despised president amongst frum Jews because he could have done more to save the Jews in the Holocaust. But even though that’s true, I always felt he had two big saving graces: 1) he still led America into World War II in order to defeat Hitler and 2) the New Deal. Now, I kn...

Woman Behind the New Deal (2009) by Kirstin Downey

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