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Kiran Desai

Kiran Desai
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Books by Kiran Desai


Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (1999)

Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard is the first novel by Kiran Desai. In the town of Shahkot, in the shadow of the Himalayan foothills, lives Sampath Chawla, a bored, dreamy Post Office clerk distinguishing himself with lacklustre career ambitions. When he manages to lose his job, his father, Mr Cha...

Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (1999) by Kiran Desai

The Inheritance of Loss (2015)

I have had this book since 2006 when it won the Man Booker prize; the title really sang to me and the book itself seemed a siren call. Yet, it languished on my bookcase for five years before I finally read it. And I'm not sure whether it was worth the wait, or if it's actually better that I read ...

The Inheritance of Loss (2015) by Kiran Desai

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