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Kaye Umansky

Kaye Umansky
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Books by Kaye Umansky


Clover Twig And The Incredible Flying Cottage (2008)

Clover answers a want add to work for a witch and ends up with an adventure. Clover is sensible and hardworking, and when she encounters Mrs. Eckles she wins her over and starts to clean her unusual home. She meets Neville, the witch's cat, and Wilf, an errand boy with no coordination. When Mr...

Clover Twig And The Incredible Flying Cottage (2008) by Kaye Umansky

Clover Twig and the Magical Cottage (Clover Twig, #1) (2009)

Clover is a practical sort of girl. Her family needs more income. Her father's disabled and the family has many mouths to feed. In light of their situation, Clover applies to be the local witch's cleaning girl. The wages are good and as witches go, Mrs. Eckles is not so bad. Cover is content to k...

Clover Twig and the Magical Cottage (Clover Twig, #1) (2009) by Kaye Umansky

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