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Kathryn O. Galbraith

Kathryn O. Galbraith
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.46

Books by Kathryn O. Galbraith


Planting the Wild Garden (2011)

I love picture books for children. They are wonderful teaching tools and the opportunity they afford the child and parent to interact is tremendously rewarding to both the child and the adult. When you hold this lovely, large picture book you are immediately captivated by the illustrations remini...

Planting the Wild Garden (2011) by Kathryn O. Galbraith

Two Bunny Buddies (2014)

Short sentences convey the story quickly and make this an ideal picture book for new readers as well as young listeners. Sparse backgrounds ensure that the bunnies are the focus of this tale. Digital illustrations employ great pastel color choices and expressive characters’ faces. These sweet ra...

Two Bunny Buddies (2014) by Kathryn O. Galbraith

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