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Kathryn Harrison

Kathryn Harrison
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Books by Kathryn Harrison


The Binding Chair or, A Visit from the Foot Emancipation Society (2001)

Story Description:HarperCollins|June 14, 2001|Trade Paperback|ISBN: 978-0-06-093442-2In poised and elegant prose, Kathryn Harrison weaves a stunning story of women, travel, and flight; of love, revenge, and fear; of the search for home and the need to escape it. Set in alluring Shanghai at the t...

The Binding Chair or, A Visit from the Foot Emancipation Society (2001) by Kathryn Harrison

Poison (1996)

Well, "Poison" is not one of my favorites, not by a long shot. While Harrison is obviously devoted to her craft (you can tell by the way each sentence is so elegantly put together that the author is less storyteller than she is an artist, whose medium is words), the WAY she chose to tell her sto...

Poison (1996) by Kathryn Harrison

The Kiss (1998)

1 star is too many.......When reading a memoir it helps if one can relate or sympathize with the author, unfortunately for me I could not understand, relate, or have any compassion for Ms. Harrison. She paints herself as an incest survivor who falls for the manipulations of her father, but by ...

The Kiss (1998) by Kathryn Harrison

The Seal Wife (2003)

The author of The Kiss, her memoir addressing her viewpoint on her voluntary role in a romantic, sexual relationship with her father, Kathryn Harrison is equally shocking in The Seal Wife. Of course, knowing this is fiction, it is a little different. I will admit to having to deter myself from be...

The Seal Wife (2003) by Kathryn Harrison

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