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Kathleen O'Neal Gear

Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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Books by Kathleen O'Neal Gear


People of the Sea (1994)

Help! Help! Mammoths walk into sea! Husband chase with big rock!Gotta love these PEOPLE books. I mean, what's not to love about a 1000 page novel where noble Native Americans battle their way through ancient landscapes that we know so little about?Problem is, the Gears spend so much time getting ...

People of the Sea (1994) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Earth (1994)

People of the Earth (North America's Forgotten Past #3)by W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear The story begins with a description of common practice in modern times of project managers wanting to hurry their projects as the consequence of history.White ash is a dreamer, who is taken by power fr...

People of the Earth (1994) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Mist (1998)

I loved this book! It's such a good mystery! It was very nice that, once you've been initially exposed to all the many characters, the author will remind you of their relationship and the book in such a way as not to be obvious. This was very helpful and I wish many more authors could achieve th...

People of the Mist (1998) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

It Wakes in Me (2007)

This book was definitely better than the first, but I wonder if I think that way because you have all the players down and are more used to the society the story is placed in.This book takes place directly after the last one. While I found the first book to be confusing, this one was better, if ...

It Wakes in Me (2007) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Owl (2004)

Maybe it's just because I like owls, but I actually really enjoyed this book in The First North American series. While it did reference previous books, it gave enough background that it isn't necessary to read it in order, this book can be a stand alone.Mud Puppy, later known as Salamander, has ...

People of the Owl (2004) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Lakes (1995)

People of the Lakes (North America's Forgotten Past, #6)Gear, W. MichaelGear, Kathleen O'neal The Mask of Many Colored Crow has been causing problems, although used to balance the world in in history the mask has developed its own identity. It begins to disrupt the world. The focus of power it ha...

People of the Lakes (1995) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

Bone Walker (2002)

A series written by the award-winning archaeological team Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear. This couple has an incredible talent for bringing their field work on North American aboriginals into vivid focus. They develop their characters with such style you become certain you would know ...

Bone Walker (2002) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Fire (1991)

People of the Fire (North America's Forgotten Past, #2)Gear, W. MichaelGear, Kathleen O'neal The world is dying. In drought and over hunting the animals are disappearing. The people are starving. The wolf bundle the legacy of first Man has weakened, all it power and prestige has been drawn out. ...

People of the Fire (1991) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

The Summoning God (2001)

A series written by the award-winning archaeological team Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear. This couple has an incredible talent for bringing their field work on North American aboriginals into vivid focus. They develop their characters with such style you become certain you would know ...

The Summoning God (2001) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

The Visitant (2000)

Visitant means supernatural being of some sort, like angels or demons. They aren't real now but the world of an Anasazi revolves around them. Of course, what's important to the Anasazi is also very important to the scientists/researchers who dig them... the Archaeologists. The Visitant is two sto...

The Visitant (2000) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Raven (2005)

I'm starting to feel like I'm reading the same book. Young, seemingly incapable boy who must Dream a new spiritual path for his people. Old (but not too old) powerful woman dreamer who dances on the sides of both good and evil. Strong leaders who fall in love and help lead their clans away fro...

People of the Raven (2005) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

People of the Wolf (1992)

I was really excited to read this book, since the peopling of the Americas is one of my favorite subjects. Not only did I get a Master's degree in Archaeology, I live in the American Midwest, where much of the earliest remnants are found. But I was horribly disappointed. I could not even bring my...

People of the Wolf (1992) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

It Sleeps in Me (2006)

Sora,flint,and Skinner were from different clans,but became fast friends,although Sora & Flint's friendship turned into love & they married. Flint's love for Sora becomes obsessive to the point that he killed a man for looking the wrong way at his wife.Unable to live with his murderous rages he d...

It Sleeps in Me (2006) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus: A Novel (2008)

Reads much like a Dan Brown novel, and in that way it's pretty good. I know that the Gears have written many other books prior to this one, most of which follow the same historical fiction pattern, as best I know, but still I wouldn't be surprised if the inspiration for writing this book came alm...

The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus: A Novel (2008) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear

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