This little book has all the verbosity of a Dickens novel, and none of the charm. I found the subject matter horribly dry and the writing hopelessly dense in many places. It is as if Weber thought to herself, "If I use overly long, complex sentences, obscure references, huge amounts of near-irrel...
I read this on a trip to Vermont, which is about as far (politically and geographically) as one can get from my home state without falling into the ocean, or Canada. It was a gloriously sunny day of the sort one can only get at higher latitudes -- the light seems closer, somehow; why would that b...
The Music Lesson is a clever book - the cleverness begins with the cover, which depicts not Vermeer's “The Music Lesson’, but a detail from his ‘A Lady Writing A Letter’. Her hand holds her quill as light spills onto her; in the full painting she looks at the viewer in much the same way as the wo...