As I first started to read this story, I was reminded of my own childhood at my great-grandmother’s house. She had this huge tree, where I would eat the pomegranates, it would produce in the Spring. This story has a touch of whimsy, beautiful descriptions, all mixed in with a crazy family. I f...
It's not the fastest paced book by any means, but there's a dreamy, romantic lyricism to this that I really appreciated. The slow unfolding of the past, the way the past and present both mesh together and jar, the development and the decline of relationships all had a penetrating resonance. There...
previše sličnosti sa Arundati Roj, i gotovo da nema ničega originalnog. lepo i jednostavno napisana, javlja se emocija kod čitaoca vrlo slična kao kod čitanja Boga malih stvari (samo što je stil kod A. Roj i dalje nenadmašan pa ga ne treba ni porediti). šta je isto: emocija kod čitaoca, smrt devo...