In her newest book, former Cosmopolitan Editor-in-Chief, Kate White, spills success secrets for "gutsy girls" who want to get ahead. The book is titled "I Shouldn't Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know."I just finished this book, and I was delighted. The book is split...
Kate White's photo on the cover of this book, her references (like Julia Roberts and Demi Moore,) and her advice on how to develop the career of women made me a little nostalgic to the mindset and the movies of the nineties. The attitude in this book was reminiscent of older TV screens airing fil...
Really Bailey?!?! After pining for Beau Regan, the man you instantly felt as soon as you saw him that he was the man you would marry; you are actually torn at the end of this book!?!?! …with a younger, rising actor!?!? Yes, the attraction is tangible and great. There was a basis of friendship...
Book review:True-crime writer and sometime-sleuth Bailey Weggins took the media and mystery worlds by storm in Kate White’s sexy and suspenseful debut novel, If Looks Could Kill, a New York Times bestseller and a Reading With Ripa Book Club selection. In Bailey’s latest outing, she takes the plun...
kate white's fluffy but oddly thrilling bailey weggins mysteries are my new favorite books to read. they are the perfect weight to hold in one hand while walking around a screaming infant and singing "The Alphabet Dirge". i wish i were joking about that last bit.these books are easily digestible,...