The Idea of Perfection is the fifth novel by Australian author, Kate Grenville. Set in the dying country town of Karakarook, NSW, pop.1374, the story revolves around the Bent Bridge: the Heritage mob (Karakarook Heritage Museum Committee) believes it can attract tourists; the Shire councillors wa...
I chose this book because my local library was doing a challenge where readers read a book from each continent - this was one of the Australian books they recommended. It's a novel about a character called Lilian, who is born into a middle class family and then as an adult chooses to be a bag lad...
Joan Makes History is the 3rd book by Australian author, Kate Grenville. Joan Redman(Radulescu) is a minor character from Grenville’s first novel, Lilian’s Story. From an early age, Joan has been determined to make her mark in history, and as we follow her life as she loved and was bored, betraye...