The Runaway Dragon by Kate Coombs is about a young girl who owns a legendary dragon, as a pet. Her dragon, Lacy, then runs away from her owners castle. The young girl embarks on a long and risky quest to find her beloved dragon. But she isn't the only person that desperately wants the dragon. I w...
Although the subtitle for this is "A Tale from the Brothers Grimm," it is definitely an adaptation. Hans My Hedgehog is one of my favorite fairy tales, and Coombs took quite a few liberties with it. She's put a more positive/light spin on it. I enjoyed the musical addition to an extent, and liked...
This is a fun story about a boy who would rather keep his teeth that fall out rather than have the Tooth Fairy take them. Unfortunately, the Tooth Fairy is wrapped up in some bureaucratic red tape and can't comply with Nathan's request. This turns into some fun back and forth as Nathan gets more ...