This book contains colorful illustrations that bring the seasons to life. The child in the story is going to bed and his mother is reading him a bedtime story about the bear sleeping. The story explains what happens as a bear is sleeping and just as the bear wakes up from his long winter's nap ...
A quiet bedtime book, with the ritual of a little boy choosing his favorite bedtime book, and a story of a bear hibernating (story within a story). Great modeling -- how the mother explains as she reads to the little boy, answers his questions as they share the time together (and that's what I ap...
While a family leaves Rome on a tour of European cities, a cat shadows their tour, popping up in all the same places. Lovely because it features less common spots: Marseille, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Munich are underrepresented in picture books. There's back matter to give a little more info on ...
I’m drawn by the imagination and word-play that embodies this book. Max uses playroom blocks to tell a story, and then to change the story by, for example, turning MOAT into BOAT. It was a little advanced for my child, requiring a basic understanding of spelling that she doesn’t quite have yet....