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Karen Blixen

Karen Blixen
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Books by Karen Blixen


Winter's Tales (1993)

„Sunt vremuri grele pentru visători”, spunea Amélie Pulan în Amélie, acum 14 ani, și pot să continui spunând că sunt cu atât mai grele pentru scriitorii visători, fiindcă în lumea grăbită de azi visul nu prea își mai are locul nici măcar în locul unde acesta ar trebuie să fi la el acasă: între pa...

Winter's Tales (1993) by Karen Blixen

Seven Gothic Tales (1991)

1. The first story, "The Deluge at Norderney," proceeds largely by way of monologues. It is set in the 1830s at a resort island off the northern coast of Germany, Norderney. A once in a hundred years storm occurs which requires the evacuation of the spa and surrounding farmsteads. Eventually we f...

Seven Gothic Tales (1991) by Karen Blixen

Last Tales (1991)

To get to Rungstedlund from Copenhagen, one takes a train. One walks from the station, past a farm that seems bred Norwegian Fjords, past a restaurant, to the harbor, where ones turns left. Shortly thereafter, you are at the home of Isak Dinesen. It is a white house surrounded by green. It se...

Last Tales (1991) by Karen Blixen

Out of Africa / Shadows on the Grass (1989)

"If I know a song of Africa . . . of the Giraffe, and the African new moon lying on her back, of the ploughs in the fields, and the sweaty faces of the coffee-pickers, does Africa know a song of me? Would the air over the plain quiver with a colour that I had had on, or the children invent a gam...

Out of Africa / Shadows on the Grass (1989) by Karen Blixen

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