Thought it was time I read a series that’s been staring at me for over a decade.JV Jones’s series (now up to Book Four, Watcher of the Dead, with Book Five currently being written) is initially set in a sub-Arctic-type world, with a culture and a subsistence lifestyle which made me think a la Inu...
It's been four or five years since I read this, so I might misremember some details, and possibly get details mixed up with the sequel. The two blend together and suffer from exactly the same problems, only further exacerbated in the third book.This series suffers from what, with the benefit of h...
Without a doubt, this is my favorite read so far this year!Seriously guys, not since The Final Empire and A Game of Thrones has my heart beat this way over a book!! I began to think it would never happen, but The Barbed Coil blew me out of the water!Quick synopsis, since I know this isn't a ver...
I always worry about the middle book of a trilogy, especially a traditional high fantasy trilogy. While the first book can be used for introducing characters, developing plot, world building, etc. and the third book contains the final build-up to the hopefully awesome climax, the middle book is ...
Yesterday I finished The Baker's Boy by J.V. Jones.It was not a good book.I would not go so far as to say it was a horrible book (a description I reserve for 1-star ratings and the majority of fanfiction), but it is a bad book. It suffers from a number of major problems, ranging from technical w...