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Justin Cronin

Justin Cronin
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Books by Justin Cronin


Mary and O'Neil: A Novel in Stories (2002)

4.5 StarsMary and O’Neil is Justin Cronin’s debut a novel, a book that many of my friends here at Goodreads have recommended to me. I read Cronin’s The Passage, a novel that I should have loved, but just never really connected with. This book like many others is simply a quiet piece of life. It h...

Mary and O'Neil: A Novel in Stories (2002) by Justin Cronin

The Summer Guest (2005)

This very touching book by Justin Cronin spans the course of several decades. Each of the four main characters ... Harry Wainwright, Joe Crosby, Jordan Patterson and Lucy Crosby (Joe's wife)tells this poignant story in their own words and from their own perspectives. The story begins with Harry, ...

The Summer Guest (2005) by Justin Cronin

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