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Julie Smith

Julie Smith
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Books by Julie Smith


Tourist Trap (2012)

Julie Smith has another winner with Tourist Trap. Rebecca Schwartz is a San Francisco lawyer who ends up defending a man accused of a series of fatal incidents by someone named The Trapper. She works in tandem with her boyfriend Rob, a writer for a local paper, and together they see the first mur...

Tourist Trap (2012) by Julie Smith

Death Before Facebook (2012)

I was drawn to this mystery by its setting (New Orleans) and its provocative title. It was interesting as a bit of a period piece: set in 1994, we are in a world that still used floppy disks, and where interacting via online bulletin board communities was perceived as a fascinating and intriguing...

Death Before Facebook (2012) by Julie Smith

Death Turns a Trick (2012)

A feminist lawyer must solve a murder whodunit in Julie Smith's Death Turns a Trick (read an excerpt of the book here).Rebecca Schwartz is a well-bred lawyer in the San Francisco Bay area who tends to bore easily. That boredom leads her to a whorehouse where she is playing the piano for a party w...

Death Turns a Trick (2012) by Julie Smith

P.I. on a Hot Tin Roof (2013)

Julie Smith is becoming one of my all-time favorite mystery writers. Set in New Orleans and centered on the activity of Private Investigator Talba Wallis, AKA The Duchess de Pontalba (nom de plume she took from the historical New Orleans Baroness), this book follows the downfall of a corrupt jud...

P.I. on a Hot Tin Roof (2013) by Julie Smith

Mean Woman Blues (2013)

RATING: 3.5There are certain things that you can count on—death, taxes and that the Formosan termites will return to New Orleans every May to feast on that city's structures. And in Homicide Detective Skip Langford's life, there's one other given—that her enemy and nemesis, Errol Jacomine, oh so...

Mean Woman Blues (2013) by Julie Smith

Louisiana Bigshot (2012)

RATING: 3.75Talba Wallis is a person of striking dualities. On the one hand, she's a well-respected voice of the African-American woman who shares her life's experiences through her poetry. On the other, she's a novice private investigator who is working for an older Italian man by the name of ...

Louisiana Bigshot (2012) by Julie Smith

Louisiana Hotshot (2013)

Ah, New Orleans. The drug that is the heat and scents, the music and moans, life and death and destiny. The heart of a world both magical and profane. Where “church ladies” still wear hats and movements in the dark often presage the advent of violence and death.Julie Smith knows New Orleans. She ...

Louisiana Hotshot (2013) by Julie Smith

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