I enjoy Julia Glass's novels, but this one not so much. I had a difficult time getting into the novel as well as a hard time caring about Louisa and Clem. The story revolves around two sisters, Louisa and Clement, who grow into adulthood as competitors and uneasy friends, each searching for herse...
This is one of those stories that I suspect will stay with me, but this time it's partly because of so many unanswered questions and in a sense longings I had for the characters that never quite panned out. But perhaps that's the point. Three Junes is told from three different points of view in d...
I mostly enjoyed this book, which had some similar threads as "A Widowers's Tale", another Julia Glass book which I loved. I can't quite figure out her "style"...but what she does for me is somehow take modern stories about family/life/love/work and make it smart and complex but totally clean. T...