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John W. Dean

John W. Dean
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Books by John W. Dean


Conservatives Without Conscience (2006)

This is a must read for those with an interest in contemporary political affairs. Dean, a Goldwater Republican, is interested in authoritarianism within the conservative movement. He begins by looking for a definition of conservatism. This is no mean feat, as the definition is as variable as the...

Conservatives Without Conscience (2006) by John W. Dean

Blind Ambition (1976)

I have just completed "Blind Ambition: the White House Years" by John W. Dean. As anyone from my generation no doubt remembers, Dean served as White House counsel to Richard Nixon and was a key player in the Watergate scandal. When a friend reviewed this book some time ago, he pointed out that Wa...

Blind Ambition (1976) by John W. Dean

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