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John Norman

John Norman
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Books by John Norman


Hunters of Gor (1998)

Hunters of Gor is good but not great. Unlike its immediate predecessor its a decent installment to the Gor series. The writing quality and complexity of this book is somewhere between the first and second book, which is not a bad thing after Captive of Gor. Unfortunately like its predecessor, the...

Hunters of Gor (1998) by John Norman

Marauders of Gor (2007)

“Tarl Cabot's efforts to free himself from the directive of the mysterious priest-kings of Earth's orbital counterpart were confronted by frightening reality when horror from the northland finally struck directly at him.Somewhere in the harsh lands of transplanted Norsemen was the first foothold ...

Marauders of Gor (2007) by John Norman

Priest-Kings of Gor (1968)

ORIGINALLY POSTED AT Fantasy Literature.I’m not sure why I’m still reading the Gor books. I guess it’s partly because Brilliance Audio has kindly sent them to me (they are nice productions), but it’s also largely because these books have been maligned for years as poorly written sexist-BDSM-eroti...

Priest-Kings of Gor (1968) by John Norman

Assassin of Gor (1971)

This review originally appeared on my blog, Books Without Any Pictures. the fifth installment of John Norman’s Gor series, our favorite ginger, Tarl Cabot, appears to be dead. A mysterious and deadly assassin named Kuurus arises in his wake, traveling to...

Assassin of Gor (1971) by John Norman

Witness of Gor (2007)

Well! One more chapter of the Gorian saga is over. I think the prevailing question is why do we persist with book after book of terrible writing and editing and keep coming back for the crumbs of storyline Norman graces us with amongst the sea of propaganda and redundant useless information. I ha...

Witness of Gor (2007) by John Norman

Captive of Gor (1977)

This review originally appeared on my blog, Books Without Any Pictures: thus far: I’ve been reading this really trashy pulp series about a dude who ends up on another planet where there’s no modern weaponry and most of the women are contented sex slave...

Captive of Gor (1977) by John Norman

Outlaw of Gor (1983)

This book would be better if it were called 'Terb vs. the Blood Lesbians', which would have the combined benefits of precisely outlining the plot and sparking the audience's collective imagination. If I had written it, that's what I would have called it, but if I had written this book, I would be...

Outlaw of Gor (1983) by John Norman

Nomads of Gor (1981)

I originally set out to read the entire Gor series. Here I am, at the end of the fourth book...and I'm seriously rethinking that commitment.Cabot just keeps getting more unlikeable as the series progresses. At this point, he's only heroic in comparison to uncivilized men around him. And it's not ...

Nomads of Gor (1981) by John Norman

Time Slave (1975)

From my blog pulpaweek.blogspot.comDAW Books, copyright 1975. $1.50 cover price. 380 pages.Oh man, where to start? This novel is even viler than Norman's Gor series, which is saying quite a bit. I think I will spare you most of my thoughts on this piece of shit and give you a synopsis. Dr. Brenda...

Time Slave (1975) by John Norman

Tarnsman of Gor (2006)

[…. The following was discovered by investigators at the scene of the Tarnsman Incident in late April, 2011. The narrative report is reproduced in its entirety and a transcription of the audio recording made by Officer Honcho is reproduced to the extent possible...]GOODREADS LITERARY POLICE REPOR...

Tarnsman of Gor (2006) by John Norman

Tribesmen of Gor (2007)

I gave this one star only because it wasn't possible to give it zero. The storyline was all over the place, to the point that I couldn't follow the story because of all the unecessary flashbacks to something that happened two days prior. Rather than ABCDEFGHI... it was ADBCEHFGI.... Why skip a...

Tribesmen of Gor (2007) by John Norman

Raiders of Gor (1985)

**SOME MINOR SPOILERS, THOUGH NOT MANY AND I CAN'T BE ARSED TO GO THROUGH AND SEEK THEM OUT INDIVIDUALLY SO I'M TACKING THIS ON THE FRONT HERE INSTEAD!**..........Volume 6 of The Gor Chronicles and we see Tarl Cabot the great warrior originally of Earth becoming first a slave, then a pirate and a...

Raiders of Gor (1985) by John Norman

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