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John Hersey

John Hersey
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Books by John Hersey


Hiroshima (1989)

This book will:1) Make you cry. A lot. You will cry on your cigarette break at work so that when you go back to your desk, your coworker will see your ragged eyes and think you just got dumped over the phone or found out your cat died. No, you were just reading about something roughly one goog...

Hiroshima (1989) by John Hersey

A Bell for Adano (1988)

(As of July 2012, I am selling a first-edition copy of this book through the rare-book service at my arts organization, the Chicago Center for Literature and Photography []. Here below is the description I wrote for its listing.)Written in the middle of World War Two and ...

A Bell for Adano (1988) by John Hersey

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