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John Bayley

John Bayley
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Books by John Bayley


Doctor Zhivago (1997)

Credo che non ti amerei tanto se in te non ci fosse nulla da lamentare, nulla da rimpiangere. Io non amo la gente perfetta, quelli che non sono mai caduti, non hanno inciampato. La loro è una virtù spenta, di poco valore. A loro non si è svelata la bellezza della vita. Ho conosciuto Jurij Andrèe...

Doctor Zhivago (1997) by John Bayley

Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (1998)

Having seen the film adaptation, albeit a while ago, I was surprised to find I enjoyed this book as much as I did. Bayley has a nice conversational style and this is very much a memoir and not a biography although, of course, the book is full of biographical details. It is also a far from objecti...

Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch (1998) by John Bayley

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