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John Ashbery

John Ashbery
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Books by John Ashbery


Flow Chart (1998)

Of course it depends on your definition of poetry, but for me poetry is often the very lack of definition, though I tend to look for at least the appearance of definition… Anyway, we’re all looking for something to read, and Ashbery here gives us something to read, and it reads like slippery pros...

Flow Chart (1998) by John Ashbery

Some Trees (1984)

SOME TREES OUT OF A HUGE FORESTUsed Poem: "Some Trees" by John AshberyThe "Mesostomatic" Poem I got using the program:Each neighBor by spEech wereArranging yoU and I in whaT performance not merelY chance means sOmethingFilled withCanvaspuzzling ligHtAnd being there and moviNg o...

Some Trees (1984) by John Ashbery

Chinese Whispers (2003)

I really wanted to like this book more, because Ashbery has written some of my favorite poems. Hearing him read once, in Cambridge in the late 1970s, was an unforgettably pleasurable experience. And of course I realize that emulating, amplifying, distilling, and somehow organizing the random buzz...

Chinese Whispers (2003) by John Ashbery

Houseboat Days (1999)

Thoughts About AshberyAshbery re-describes reality through the ever-changing vivacity of his ideas. His poems are chronicles of what happens when one of the most fertile imaginations of our time creates on the page landscapes of ideas. In order to understand Ashbery, we need to pay attention to...

Houseboat Days (1999) by John Ashbery

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