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Jody Shields

Jody Shields
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Books by Jody Shields


The Crimson Portrait: A Novel (2006)

It's 1915 and Catherine finds herself like one of many women, a young widow. Heartbroken and lost, she decides to honor her late husbands wishes to allow the troops to use their beautiful, sprawling mansion as a make-shift hospital. Little does she know how much her decision will change the res...

The Crimson Portrait: A Novel (2006) by Jody Shields

The Fig Eater (2001)

Oh, goodness. The cover of this book is gorgeous and the description of the back cover had me itching to read it: Murder? In Vienna? In 1910? Yes, please! What could be better than a mash-up of historical fiction and murder mystery? Unfortunately, my expectations must have been miscalibrated be...

The Fig Eater (2001) by Jody Shields

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