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Jim Davis

Jim Davis
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.03

Books by Jim Davis


Garfield Minus Garfield (2008)

Found this one on the table by the front door. Charlene didn't know where it came from. I must admit to not being a big Garfield fan. That may seem strange coming from someone who reads the comic strip every day, but I read them all except Zippy. The premise of this book is to take a bunch of ...

Garfield Minus Garfield (2008) by Jim Davis

Karvinen miinus Karvinen (2010)

What a charming little book! This is a hilarious new spin on the world famous Garfield comics by Jim Davis. Dan Walsh has taken some old Garfield strips and removed Garfield from them completely. What we are left with is a series of comic book sketches featuring Jon Arbuckle left alone with his l...

Karvinen miinus Karvinen (2010) by Jim Davis

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