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Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee
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Books by Jessica Lee


On Thin Ice (2012)

The first book in the erotic m/m paranormal Ariel Estates series scorches the reader with romance and intrigue.Pride leader Silas Murdock’s trip of a lifetime is interrupted by a freak storm and by an assassin’s bullet that causes the plane to plummet into the frozen tundra. Former pack physician...

On Thin Ice (2012) by Jessica Lee

All She Wants 4 Christmas (2010)

A very quick read that will leave you breathless. This book was both hot and steamy. This was my first time reading any books by this author and I can not wait to continue reading more of her books.Monica wants her fiancee, Dane, to step out of comfort zone in the bedroom. So one night she tells...

All She Wants 4 Christmas (2010) by Jessica Lee

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