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Jerrie Alexander

Jerrie Alexander
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Books by Jerrie Alexander


The Green-Eyed Doll (2012)

Once again I fell for all the five-star reviews. "The Green-Eyed Doll" is considered a romantic-suspense novel. I'm sorry but after reading this only two words come to mind: "long" and "boring." First the romance; for a woman who was once married to a man who verbally and physically abused her, I...

The Green-Eyed Doll (2012) by Jerrie Alexander

The Last Execution (2013)

Open the first page and step into the chilling world of Jerrie Alexander's book, The Last Execution.....This book started out with a bang, literally. It's Tuesday, April 20, at 9:15 a.m. and Doyle Preston has just shot a police officer. A little over twenty-four hours later, we are in an FBI offi...

The Last Execution (2013) by Jerrie Alexander

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