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Jennifer Larue Huget

Jennifer Larue Huget
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.43

Books by Jennifer Larue Huget


The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home (2013)

A visual delight!Attention-hogging baby sisters, warty slug big brothers, moms who throw away your candy wrapper collection or dads that ignores you - all very good reasons for running away. This is the first piece of advice given by the protagonist of the story - Have a Really Good Reason. Nex...

The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home (2013) by Jennifer Larue Huget

Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home (2013)

Kids will enjoy the humor and identify with all the annoying things the main character's family does that makes him want to run away - paying more attention to the baby sibling, a brother who gets more privileges, parents who throw away precious candy wrapper collections, etc. They will also lik...

Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home (2013) by Jennifer Larue Huget

Thanks a LOT, Emily Post! (2009)

This is a book playing off the etiquette book by Emily Post. Now, her etiquette book was meant to be kind of funny and more about moral rules than physical manners and such. This is a funny book about children who are upset about their mom's recent obsession with Emily Post's book. The book ends ...

Thanks a LOT, Emily Post! (2009) by Jennifer Larue Huget

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