The plot of this one just didn't make sense to me, and I typically love menage books. Way too unrealistic for me to find value. I would liken it more to the style of sex in a straight-man-porn than erotica that a woman would like (which is especially weird because it features pairs of male cou...
So when I started reading this book, for some reason I didn’t realize it was part of a trilogy. And on top of that, I didn’t realize I had all three books. You can not even imagine the joy I had once I discovered both of those points!I think Jennifer Cole took a really fantastic approach to this ...
Oke, sekarang jadi tau apa itu arti menage. Kekeke, gua kepo ceritanya.Hm, ini cuma 66 halaman jadi bacanya cepet banget, nggak kerasa tahu-tahu selesai aja gitu dong. Kalo dari segi cerita yah, so-so, jujur ini Adult Fiction pertama yang gua baca, jadi nggak bisa ngebandingin sama yang lain. Yan...