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Jay Worrall

Jay Worrall
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Books by Jay Worrall


Sails on the Horizon: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars (2006)

This book sets off at a cracking pace, throwing the reader immediately into the heart of a major naval battle, of the sort that traditionally forms the climax of many books in this genre. That's fine, but the problem with loosing all your big guns in Chapter One is, can you sustain the momentum ...

Sails on the Horizon: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars (2006) by Jay Worrall

Any Approaching Enemy: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars (2007)

A disappointment. Instead of improving Worrall seemed to spend a lot of time working backstory. This book makes me miss and appreciate Patrick OBrian all the more. Worrall handles all the technicalities of a British man of war sailing ship from the eighteen hundreds. He is on top of the cultural ...

Any Approaching Enemy: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars (2007) by Jay Worrall

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