This volume was actually given to me by my mother and sister for Christmas several years ago. I'm not positive that it was the Christmas of '05, but I think that's at least close to the right year. Anyway, I love it. It's absolutely beautiful and is one of the best gifts I've ever received. Slowl...
Some years back in one of my APAs, someone castigated Jane Austen's books like this: "All those daft twits rabbiting on about clothes and boyfriends and manners."Since then, I’ve encountered other variations on the theme that a modern woman ought not to be reading such trash because it sets femin...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that any book you truly love is in need of a properly annotated edition. Here is one such. Let me just start quoting:“…A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”Mrs. Bennet on Mr. Bingley, of course, but ju...
I want to share something with you. It's a long story and while it might initially seem irrelevant to this book, I assure you there is a point to it.Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin.During the summer of 2008 my bestie and I were preparing to go to university. When it was time to mo...
This is a book about math, mirrors and crystal balls, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Village life? Sorta. The lives of the idle rich? I mean, sure, but only partially and incidentally. Romance? Barely. A morality tale of the Education of Young Lady? The young lady stands for and does ma...
( العقل والعاطفة )ل الروائية الرائدة في عالم الأدب الإنجليزي / جين أوستن /هذه الرواية من بواكير الأدب الواقعي في عهد كان يتميز ب " محنة الواقع "، الكثير من القراء سيعجبون لتنظيم هذا الجسد الروائي الذي ابتكرته جين أوستن محاكية منغصات واقعها .. الذي ما عاد له وجود ! و في المقابل سيتعجب آخرون من ال...
Northanger Abbey is the shortest of Jane Austen's six major novels, and has a special place in many readers' hearts. In many ways it is not the tightly constructed witty sort of story we expect from this author, yet its spontaneity and rough edges prove to be part of its charm. Started when she w...