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James McBride

James McBride
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Books by James McBride


The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (1997)

If Cheaper By the Dozen, by Frank Gilbraith Jr., and The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, ever somehow met and had an "I like you as a friend, not a lover" child, The Color of Water would be it - race and a ridiculous amount of kids. The concept is compelling, and I would recommend this book to an...

The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (1997) by James McBride

Miracle at St. Anna (2003)

The author had a few different purposes in the book Miracle at St. Anna. One of the author's purposes was to show the great affect that World War II had on the country of Italy. World War II destroyed homes, families, land, and people all over Italy and Europe. They were already suffering from...

Miracle at St. Anna (2003) by James McBride

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