This is an excellent read for older children, young adults and adults alike. The story follows a Scottish island girl, Hekja, who lives in a small village with her dog Snarf who protects the cows. A Viking raid however sees them taken captive and the family destroyed. Young fit slaves were valued...
I didn't know how I felt about this book as there isn't much of a story to it, so I tried it as a read aloud and the children really seemed to like it and think it is funny. That credit goes entirely to the illustrations, they are adorable and very appealing. Bruce Whatley's depictions of the myo...
This time our imperterbably stubborn wombat takes a flight of fancy -- on the back of Santa's sleigh, where she settles in to nap after shoving the reindeer aside to get their carrots. She follows Santa down another chimney ("A wombat hole?") and after visiting several homes decides the "strange...
I decided to read this book because I had been searching for a book that was unlike the sort of novel I usually read (dystopian, fantasy or supernatural) and I thought it would be an interesting change.This novel fills in the category of a book that teaches me about another time in history. This...