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J. Tremble

J. Tremble
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.81

Books by J. Tremble


My Man, Her Son (2010)

This book was fully of drama! The storyline was wild, a lot of sex going on throughout the book, Lynn an over protective controlling mother, that really needed to let her son grow up and stop babying him. She was acting as if she wanted her son instead of trying to have a love of her own. She ...

My Man, Her Son (2010) by J. Tremble

Secrets of A Housewife (2011)

It was a little slow starting at first, and I honestly had difficulty trying to decide who I liked and who I disliked. For the first half of the book most of the focus is on Tarron, Secret's husband, and his infidelities with a few hints of Secret's own skeletons peppered in there. However, in th...

Secrets of A Housewife (2011) by J. Tremble

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