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Iris Rainer Dart

Iris Rainer Dart
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Books by Iris Rainer Dart


Beaches II: I'll Be There (1992)

Because no film has been made out of the sequel to Beaches I found it more enjoyable. Not having been spoiled on any plot points, but still with mental pictures of the characters, I could easily imagine the action as a movie unfolding. However, I was frustrated with the focus on Cee Cee’s parenti...

Beaches II: I'll Be There (1992) by Iris Rainer Dart

Beaches (2004)

**Contains adult language and content**(book I read from actually has a different bookcover image, but I couldn't find it, original '85 hardcover edition, and honestly I like this paperback cover better)"1951. They meet as children under the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Cee Cee Bloom, with a Bri...

Beaches (2004) by Iris Rainer Dart

The Stork Club: A Novel (1993)

Not sure why I picked up this soap opera of a book. My first clue should have been that the author also wrote "Beaches", which was turned into a very sappy movie. Well, this is a very sappy book. Go figure. The characters are realistic and interesting. But the dialog is formal and stilted. ...

The Stork Club: A Novel (1993) by Iris Rainer Dart

'Til the Real Thing Comes Along (1988)

I had picked up The Stork Club on a pure whim while at the library and found myself overall enjoying it. It's not my usual sort of read but I was in the mood for something different and found it. So next trip I searched out this author and picked up this one. I really liked the back and forth ...

'Til the Real Thing Comes Along (1988) by Iris Rainer Dart

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