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Ilchi Lee

Ilchi Lee
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.73

Books by Ilchi Lee


The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart (2011)

Call of Sedona is a beautiful and poignant story of one person's search for meaning and finding it in the beauty and splendor of Mother Earth, Sedona. I love this book. Whenever I have something on my mind, I simply hold the book close to my chest, connect with its energy, open a page at random, ...

The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart (2011) by Ilchi Lee

Bird of the Soul (2014)

Unusual!This is unlike any other book I've ever is really applicable to all of us- not just kids, but all ages. It explores that area of life we don't always want to look at, the times we got hurt, or lost ourselves, and forgot about that voice or being within that's always there, even ...

Bird of the Soul (2014) by Ilchi Lee

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