This novel follows two storylines, both of them set at major events in world history. Both stories are set in Germany, the first is occuring on the last days of WWII, the other just as the Berlin wall is falling down. The core of both storylines is a relationship between a man and a woman, and as...
I rated this book 3.5 stars.In this memoir Hugo Hamilton tells the story of his youth. Born in Dublin in the 1950’s with a German mother and an Irish, nationalistic, father his upbringing was anything but conventional. Because of his father’s strong and uncompromising views on being Irish and res...
‘Maybe you have to live under cover for a while before you can find your true character.’‘The Sailor in the Wardrobe’ is Hugo Hamilton’s second memoir, and is focussed on his transition from his restricted boyhood in Dublin to independent adulthood. The sailor referred to in the title is Hugo’s ...