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Gregg Rosenblum

Gregg Rosenblum
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Books by Gregg Rosenblum


Devrim 19 (2014)

Two words for you people – Robot. Apocalpyse. This Dystopian Fiction / Sci Fi adventure story looks at what happens when robots – created by mankind to fight their wars - decide they are done taking orders and stage a Robot Rebellion. This book is set 20 years after the robots have seized cont...

Devrim 19 (2014) by Gregg Rosenblum

Revolution 19 (2013)

Wow. I really liked this. It was an incredibly fast read, both in terms of pacing and actual size. I'm really interested in seeing where things go.I'm guessing in the next novel, they'll learn that the robots are starting to become more sentient, and there will be a huge moral debate over killing...

Revolution 19 (2013) by Gregg Rosenblum

Fugitive X (2014)

The fight for freedom continues.In the exciting sequel to REVOLUTION 19, Nick, Cass, and their little brother Kevin are separated by warring forces in a dystopian world controled by robots. Nick ends up with a group of hostile rebels. Cass is captured and reeducated by the bots. Kevin is indoctri...

Fugitive X (2014) by Gregg Rosenblum

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