The Joy of Hate is by far one of the best and definitely one of the most truthful and "to the point" books I have ever read. Greg's purpose in writing this book was to try to inform readers of the left's pretend message of "tolerance" except when it comes to people who don't think like them or to...
Loooooved this book. Gutfeld express so well things that I have thought but have not been able to say so well. He does have a way with words. He looks hard a the weak criteria for cool and the scorn and abuse heaped on those who don't follow the crowd blindly. I have wondered for the last several...
If you are at all offended by sick, twisted humor or filthy language - avoid this book. It's not Gutfeld at his best. He has evolved over the last few years, in my opinion. This is locker room humor, plain and simple. I'm not sure Gutfeld would tell you any different. It is funny if you like...